When you choose our posters, you're not just buying a print; every step of our production process takes place in Italy, guaranteeing that you're receiving a genuine piece of Italian artistry.

Our collection features works from some of the finest contemporary Italian artists and illustrators, so by purchasing our posters, you're supporting these talented creators and celebrating Italy's rich cultural heritage.

We champion high-quality printing techniques that marry the essence of the past with the precision of today's technology.

Our posters stand out from cheaper alternatives for several compelling reasons: we use premium, archival-quality paper and state-of-the-art printing technology to ensure vibrant colors, sharp details, and long-lasting durability.

More than just decorations, our posters are carefully curated pieces of art that bring elegance and sophistication to your home or office.


People of Italyca

Italyca has an Italian heart, but it all started in New York on a sunny May day over a pizza. It was one of those moments where good friends, good food, and great conversations come together. As we shared slices and stories, the idea of this project, a love letter to Italy, was born.

  • Mauro Gatti / co-founder

    Mauro lives and works between LA and New York. In his 20+ years of career, Mauro has founded and sold companies, worked and managed teams for big tech giants, and created art for projects of all kind worldwide. He loves pizza and everything Italian.

  • Ale Giorgini / co-founder

    Ale started drawing when he was child and he never quit. Today he works as illustrator for many brands and as art curator for museums. Ale has founded an illustration festival and an illustrators agency he still manage. When he is not drawing he is cooking pizza. 

  • Alessio Gianni / Growth

    Begin with the bustling energy of Milano. Add the vibrant and relaxed lifestyle of the Amalfi Coast. Fold in the cultural and culinary excellence of Parma. Sprinkle a touch of the Italian Alps for adventure and love for nature. Mix in business acumen from his 20+ years as a marketing expert for major Italian food companies.

  • Michele Angelo / Events

    Italian born designer and art director - not the Renaissance artist. Currently based between Austin,TX and somewhere else in the world. Been working more than 15 years in music, fashion, advertising and food.

  • Lorenzo Fanton / Type

    Graphic and type designer practicing independently in NYC. Through his international experiences at agencies in multiple countries, Lorenzo has adopted a type-driven approach, alternating between thorough research and intuitive creation.

We love to collaborate!

We love collaborating with brands on projects of all kinds that celebrate Italy. Whether it’s creating exclusive artwork, designing unique products, or hosting unforgettable events, our goal is to showcase the beauty and richness of Italian culture. Partnering with us means joining a team dedicated to honoring Italy’s heritage while embracing contemporary innovation.